Геомеханика резервуаров
Геомеханика резервуаров

Training course

Reservoir Geomechanics

Enhance your knowledge of geology, geomechanics, petrophysics and modeling
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Group of
4 people
Training period
3 days
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course content
Modeling in
Certificate issuance
after the course



Course content

You will learn how to properly prepare core samples for laboratory experiments. Perform laboratory testing according to approved procedures. Get and analyze the results of a core study for geomechanical modeling.

Core research

During the course, you will gain practical skills in creating a 1D geomechanical model in the LithoStudio program. Learn to determine the mechanical properties and stress state of rocks based on logging data, reservoir tests and core studies.

1D geomechanics

You will become a specialist in geomechanical modeling. You will optimize models for hydraulic fracturing, prevent risks and evaluate uncertainties, create models with optimal parameters for wellbore stability.

Drilling optimization

Training program

8 modules — from basic geomechanics to 1D modeling
Get acquainted with the science of geomechanics: a complex discipline covering the issues of geology, geophysics, petrophysics, and mechanics. You will learn how to solve a wide range of applied problems at different stages of field development using geomechanics.
Module 1

Introduction to geomechanics course

Subject of study
History of development
Areas of use
Work examples
Learn to use core test data to calibrate a mechanical property model. Get a high-quality basis for 3D modeling.

Core. Types of core studies

Preparing core samples for the experiment
Conducting laboratory tests
Static Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio
Compressive strength
Tensile strength (Brazilian test)
Bio coefficient
Internal friction angle
Construction of strength passports
Module 2
You will be able to evaluate the quantity, quality and, if necessary, reject all transmitted geological and geophysical information, which will later be used to build a geomechanical model.
Module 3

Preparing data for geomechanical modeling

Initial information analysis
Well logging data preparation methods
Generating calibration information
Preliminary stress assessment
Correlation dependencies application
You will receive information on determining the prevailing stress regime to determine the required pressure gradient, direction and understanding of the complexity of the hydraulic fracture network created.
Module 4

Stress-strain state of rocks

Anderson concept
Tectonic regimes
Conditions for the formation of technogenic fractures and falls
Determining the directions of stresses
Choosing the most stable well trajectory
You will learn how to build a 1D geomechanical model: selection of the optimal drilling fluid density, forecasting of instability zones, potential drilling accidents and AHRP zones with a complex geological structure of the object under study.
Module 5

1D geomechanical modeling

Building a mechanical facies model
Overburden pressure
Pore pressure
Formation mechanisms and prediction of AHPV
Modeling of elastic and strength properties
Calibration to core data
Stress state calculation
Minimum horizontal stress calibration
You will receive the necessary foundation for planning drilling and hydraulic fracturing (HF) — learn how to calculate continuous profiles of the elastic-strength characteristics of rocks, as well as the stress state of a rock mass.
Module 6

Geomechanics for hydraulic fracturing optimization

General fracturing direction
Hydraulic fracturing curvature in the bottomhole zone of well
Burst pressure and fracture closure pressure
Dimensions and geometry of hydraulic fracturing
Deviations and overhangs of fractures
Deformation and fluid leakage
Stress magnitude and proppant behavior
You will learn how to forecast risks and assess uncertainties. The results of a 1D geomechanical model are influenced by many parameters. The use of low-quality input and calibration data or their absence entails obtaining an error in the geomechanical model.
Module 7

Drilling recommendations

Building a risk map
Uncertainty analysis of input parameters
Recommendations for minimizing uncertainties
You will learn how to use the results of sand analysis to predict safe drawdown, select the optimal completion system, determine safe perforation intervals, optimize well trajectory and well placement.
Module 8

Wellbore stability for estimating sand production

Definitions of possible sand intervals
Recommendations for best drilling practices
Well completion recommendations
Mining recommendations
of geological and geomechanical modeling
successfully drilled wells
explored deposits
positive reviews about our company

About Lithosphere

About the instructors

Yan Yusupov

Head of Geomechanical Modeling Projects, Deputy General Director of Lithosphere LLC
He has rich experience in geomechanical modeling, completed more than 100 projects since 2015. Conducted training for specialists from Belarusneft, TatNIPIneft, PermNIPIneft, Rosneft, Giprovostokneft and other companies.
Participates in the development of LithoStudio software (© Lithosphere LLC).
Ян Юсупов

Yaroslav Zaglyadin

Specialist in the field of geology and geomechanics LLC "Lithosphere"
He has a higher education in geology (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov).
He will teach geomechanical modeling and core research, introduce you to laboratory experiments.
Also part of the LithoStudio development team (© Lithosphere LLC).
Ярослав Заглядин

You will receive certificate upon course completion

The certificate confirms that you have completed the course program in the specialty geomechanics

Enroll in Geomechanics Course

* Course start date may vary depending on the number of students
** The cost may vary slightly depending on the exchange rate and conversion on the side of the issuing bank, on whose payment page you will see the exact amount of the debit.

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